Senior Pet Questionnaire This interactive questionnaire can help you understand your senior pet’s health, and decide whether to arrange a consultation at Braid Vets. Owners Name*Phone Number*Email Address*Pet's Name*Age*Weight (kg)*Sex* Male Female Neutered Yes No Appearance*No ChangeThinnerHeavierCoat*No ChangeDullnessLoss of HairMattingItchinessDandruffBody Smells*No ChangeOdour from one or both earsOdour from the mouthOdour from the skinLumps & Bumps*No ChangeOdour from one or both earsOdour from the mouthOdour from the skinHearing / Seeing*No ChangeOdour from one or both earsOdour from the mouthOdour from the skinMovement*No ChangeOdour from one or both earsOdour from the mouthOdour from the skinBreathing*No ChangeOdour from one or both earsOdour from the mouthOdour from the skinBehaviour*No ChangeOdour from one or both earsOdour from the mouthOdour from the skinDigestion*No ChangeOdour from one or both earsOdour from the mouthOdour from the skinDrinking*No ChangeOdour from one or both earsOdour from the mouthOdour from the skinAppetite*No ChangeOdour from one or both earsOdour from the mouthOdour from the skinUrination*No ChangeOdour from one or both earsOdour from the mouthOdour from the skinAny other concerns about your pet?If you have any concerns or queries about your pet's health we can give you a call* Yes, please call me No, I will make contact with a veterinary professional myself I agree to have read and accepted your terms and privacy policy. I am over the age of 18* CAPTCHA Submit Enable cookies to show the form. Manage my cookie choices